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Gearspace Reviews 4055 Kick Drum Microphone

"All-in-all I found the DPA 4055 to be an excellent microphone for its intended purpose and I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot more of this around, particularly on large stadium tours and in studios around the world."

"All-in-all I found the DPA 4055 to be an excellent microphone for its intended purpose and I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot more of this around, particularly on large stadium tours and in studios around the world."'s Matt Pinchin took the 4055 Kick Drum Microphone out for a spin and conluded that: 

"(...) I first set this mic up for its intended purpose on the kick drum. I found that positioning it was much simpler than your average kick drum mics, even when setting up inside the drum. This is due to its compact and asymmetrical design.

As the microphone is not pre tuned, the sound captured was full, round and detailed with plenty of punch. I think I have found my new favourite kick drum mic. It really does take EQ well, I found it easy to achieve the sound I was after and sat comfortably in the mix.

Varying the microphone position both inside and outside the drum revealed that the positioning makes tonal changes to the sound that are more difficult with traditional kick drum mics. The off-axis response was found to be a nice change to the usual cardioid pattern dynamic kick drum mics. This is due to the open cardioid polar pattern which is somewhere between cardioid and wide cardioid.

(...) All-in-all I found the DPA 4055 to be an excellent microphone for its intended purpose and I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot more of this around, particularly on large stadium tours and in studios around the world. It provides a good, strong sound that, with some EQ, is easy to tailor whether you are playing country, rock, pop, jazz or metal.

(...)  With the DPA 4055 Kick Drum mic, I am able to get the drum sound to where I need it fast. It’s rugged, compact and flexible design allows me to position the microphone with ease and the frequency response and polar pattern is able to produce a full and punchy sound that sits in the mix."

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