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Acoustical Characteristics of Musical Instruments

This article contains a comprehensive table that provides information about different musical instruments, their tonal range, sound levels and dynamic range.
Background knowledge

Introduction to immersive audio: The basics

This article defines various forms of immersive audio. There are also a few tips on how to ensure your immersive recordings work.
Proximity effect in microphones explained animation
Background knowledge

Proximity effect in microphones explained - how it affects different sound sources

Proximity is when a microphone produces more bass by getting closer to the sound source (a point - or line source). This article takes you through some of the basics of proximity – and introduces a more advanced perspective on the phenomenon.
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How to avoid handling noise

Handling noise can disrupt the audio and should be minimized as much as possible. This article takes a closer look at how it is created and gives a couple tips on how to minimize it.
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Numbers in audio

Even though we work with audio and our primary assessment tools are the ears and the heart, sometimes we need to use numbers to describe sound. Most specifications are based on numbers. When we record, we use numbers to describe the amount of data. If we want to communicate a sound pressure level, we use numbers. And it does not end here.
Background knowledge

10 important facts about acoustics for microphone users

If you want to get the best out of your microphones, it is a good idea to have some knowledge of acoustics. This article takes you through 10 of the most important terms and facts.
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Loudness and microphones

This article describes the positive effect of the loudness standards and the accordingly enhanced dynamic range.
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Getting from a to d - and back-on digital conversion

By introducing the MMA-A Digital Audio Interface, DPA Microphones has moved into the field of analog to digital conversion. Basically, it is all about the transformation of an analog, continuous signal into discrete numbers. This article describes the general terms applicable to audio conversion.
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10+ statements on condenser microphones versus dynamic mics

This article describes some common misunderstandings regarding dynamic versus condenser mics. It explains why condenser microphones are useful in many situations where dynamic microphones, per tradition, have been preferred.
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Omni vs cardioid - choose the right headset mic

It is common to use a headset microphone for television news and broadcast shows, theatrical performances, and, of course, for auditoria presenters. However, in times where the mobility is limited, a headset mic is also an extremely convenient solution for journalists, when they work remotely.
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15 points to consider when choosing a vocal mic

Not all vocal microphones are made equal, so finding the right one for your specific needs is important. There are many key attributes you should consider when choosing your mic. Look at the following points and make sure you actively consider the ones that are most important for your situation.
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Microphones for video

Guidelines for video miking, especially voices.
Background knowledge

10 points on microphones in installed systems

Permanently installed microphone systems apply to spaces where speech needs amplification. The perfect system should be natural sounding and provide high speech intelligibility. There are many contributing factors to great installed sound systems – including the microphone, room acoustics and background noise. This article will give you tips to ensure that the sound in space is the best it can be.
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10 things digital gizmos cannot correct for you

This article takes you through ten issues where digital processing cannot make things undone.
Background knowledge

Why miniature microphones are key to a successful theatre performance

What do professionals working within the theater and /or live performance think about miniature microphones? A Q&A session with Jim van Bergen, Sound Designer, Production Sound Engineer, Mixer
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7 points about working with sound in the film industry

There are many truths (and some myths) about working on a sound crew in the film industry. It is a challenging environment, so I have gathered some of my thoughts, tips and tricks that I have learned throughout my years in the business. By Antoin Cox, Recording Engineer & DPA Master
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5 simple steps to wash your dpa microphone

Learn how to extend the life and preserve the sound of your mic in 5 easy steps.
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Proper microphone hygiene

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